Patient Phone Messaging
Interactive with Provision email system. Allows for specific message templates for data collections with transfer and response capability and link to patient account history.
A workflow and information management tool designed to facilitate access to patient care information flowing both with-in and out of the office, Pronote Electronic Health Records' flexible design fits into your existing clinical processes as a package or in logical, progressive parts. From each station, including patient check-in, nurse encounter, physician analysis, and patient check-out, you will see the benefits of using Pronote as a completely interactive module with existing Provision Basic Patient, Scheduling, and Billing.
Interactive with Provision email system. Allows for specific message templates for data collections with transfer and response capability and link to patient account history.
Order lab tests and prescriptions effortlessly directly from the patient's account. All prior and current lab results and medications are centrally stored and easily accessible on the patient's account.
Used with a Tablet PC, Pronote's Electronic Encounter Form provides the physician with specific visit information, and allows the physician to enter visit encounter information enabling the billing staff to accurately bill for his services. Screens on the Tablet PC assist the physician in selecting the appropriate diagnosis and procedure codes.
Automatically creates a chart-note paragraph from each station, including chief complaint, patient questionnaire, nurse entry, physician review, and order entry. The letters queue is generated by predefined clinical letter templates, incorporating patient-specific medical record codes, text, and demographic information. Print-preview is offered for easy editing. When dictating rather then using Pronote's Results Analysis, the Physician Letters Queue can also create medical charts and supporting documentation, including insurance claim documentation, letters to referring physicians.